Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Albion Online GvG Beginner’s Guide

The following guide will pertain to the current GvG system, and will be amended when we get closer to Beta 2 (with access to more information on the exact changes to come). Enjoy!

# Intro

A GvG is one of the most important parts of Albion, and without a complete understanding of what exactly they are or how they work, players aren’t getting everything they can out of the game. This guide will hopefully serve as a platform for introducing newcomers to what exactly a GvG is, and get them prepared for guild participation in these frequent events.

# Purpose

A GvG is necessary in Albion if you or your guild wish to stake a claim in the world, and own a piece of it. Depending on the state of ownership of a territory, you may:

- Claim: territory has no ownership and you may take it via the ‘territory manager’ building.
- Drop: you own the territory and may relinquish it (may be claimed by anyone).
- Defend: you own the territory and must defend it against an attacking guild.
- Attack: you do not own the territory and are fighting to take it.
- Raid: attacking a territory to drop its defender bonus (Raids are being removed).

# Defender Bonus

If you press “K” you’ll notice that all the territories have a number above them, and it will be positive, zero, or negative. The number you see represents the percentage “buff” or “de-buff” the defenders will have when you fight them. For example, if you declare an attack against a territory at ‘40’ defender bonus, be ready to fight players with a 40% stat bonus on their side.The defender bonus will change though a few ways. If a “raid” (will be removed from game) is placed on a territory, if successful will drop the defender bonus. Also note, if an attack is placed by the territory onto another territory, the attackers will suffer a ten (10) point loss from their defender bonus.

# Defender Points

All territories have ‘defender points’. You may consider these as “lives”. After a GvG, if the owner of the territory loses, they lose one point. On the last point, if the attackers win, they take the territory. If you are the defender and lose, you may slowly regain your defender points over time.

- City & Village Territory: may have up to three (3) defender points.
- Resource Territory: will only ever have one (1) defender point.

# Scoring & Objectives

During a GvG, there will be monoliths that you want to either attack or defend.You will see these points marked around the territory as giant rune-looking stones. A resource territory will have three (3) on the map, and a village/city territory will have four (4). Capturing these points essentially means nothing, you have to hold them.

If you look at the top of your screen during a GvG you will see two separate timers, one on top of the other. The 'lower' timer displays the amount of time left in the GvG, and once it reaches zero the defenders win (regardless of the scoreboard). The 'upper' timer is the important one; it’s a sixty (60) second timer that keeps refreshing itself. Once this timer reaches zero (depending on how many points a team has) the points will be tallied and deducted from their score. The first team that has their score reach zero, will lose.

Each team starts with 150 points, points deducted via captured objectives are as follows:
Captured / Points
1 / 10
2 / 10
3 / 20
4 / 20

Also, an important thing to remember is that a GvG isn’t about “getting kills” but more so about working together and using strategy to outsmart your opponent and win on the ‘Scoreboard’. However, you are rewarded for kills.

- KILL = 4 points

# What You Need

If you have not participated in a GvG before, then you may be surprised with how much goes into planning one, and how much you need.

- Gear

Yes, you will need a bit of gear. Depending on how well you do, you may die a lot or not at all. Personally, anywhere between four (4) and five (5) sets of gear is okay. So have this set aside and ready. For yellow zones be sure that the gear you bring is Tier 7 equivalent (7.1/6.2/5.3), as the item-power for yellow zones caps out around Tier 7.

- Stashing Gear
Gear (food, etc.) has to be put into a chest before the GvG starts (you may have it in your inventory, but I do not recommend this). This chest will be found in the territory you own, or at the Siege Camp you placed the attack from. Be sure that you put everything into the battle chest tab, and not the bank tab. If you put anything into the “bank” tab, it will not be accessible during the GvG. It’s also a good practice to organize your gear in the chest as well (split your food/potion stacks into 1’s to make it easier to only equip one, etc).
Also note, that you must put your gear into the chest from where your guild placed the attack from (siege camp), or in the territory from which you are defending. This means that if you are defending, you cannot put your gear into the siege camp from which the attackers placed their attack. If you do, you will not be able to access the gear during the fight.

- Food & Potions
Bring the best food and potions you can afford, because every stat counts. Make sure you have one food/potion for each set of gear you are bringing.

- Team
Depending on whether the GvG is based in a normal territory or a city, you will need either five (5) or twenty (20) players on your team. You may of course have less, but it’s not recommended.

- Territory/Target
If you have a territory, you must only wait (and feed the territory…) and you will be attacked, it’s only a matter of time. If you do not have a territory and you want one, then you will need to place an attack on one via a “Siege Camp”.

- Silver
Waging war isn’t cheap. Besides the gear you bring along, you have to pay to launch any and all attacks (only Warmaster + may declare attacks); launching from the territory costs 100k and from a siege camp, 250k. Also be sure to remember that you have to feed territories you own, and the food costs pile up. Must earn enough Albion Online Silver.

# Be On Time

A lot of guilds require you to be online a certain amount of time before a GvG in order to get ready and discuss some sort of strategy. This is a good practice and will lead to better organization and preparation for the team. Everyone will appreciate this. Also be sure you are in the same zone that the GvG is taking place in, or the zone where the attack came from. If the GvG starts and you are not in the correct zone, you will not be able to participate.

# Participation & Lockouts

You may only participate in one GvG every 24 hours. However, if there is more than on GvG in that same territory that day (or a nearby territory it touches), you may participate in those as well (as many times as you like).It is also worth noting that if you are signed up for a GvG and your guild decides not to participate, you will still be put on a 24-hour lockout period if you do not show up. If you do not have the members or decide not to participate, remember that you must leave the GvG team in order to not be locked out.

# When You Can Fight

All territories come with four (4) time slots for GvGs. These four times should best reflect the availability of your guild to defend the territory. This means that as an attacker, you may only place attacks at times that are provided by the defending territory.Also note, the only way to change the time slots of the territory is to go to the ‘territory manager’ building and drop ownership of it for a moment. Quickly reclaim ownership and you will be able to change the times in which others can attack you.

# Be Warned

If you have an impending attack or a planned attack already, do not drop the territory, as the attacker will immediately win the territory by default.

# Quick Equip

Going into a GvG you should always have the mindset that you are going to win. However, you may still die, and if you do you want to be as prepared as possible to get back in the action. Quick equip is a fantastic tool to use (especially for GvGs). If you happen to die, quick equip will save you and your team valuable time by getting you back into the fight much, much faster (be mindful though, that mounts/bags in the chest will be equipped as well if present). Every chest has the quick equip ‘button’ at the bottom. Also note that if you bring several different sets to a GvG, this option may not work very well for you.

# Final Comments

This guide reflects the current GvG system, and will not be the same in the future. This is to help newcomers now and have them get some GvG experience and have some sort of idea how GvGs work. I also realize that a lot of the information here is also only for the Warmaster position and above, but I hope it still helps shed some light on the subject. Take a glance over at the Upcoming GvG changes to get a better idea of what's to come! More cheaper Albion Online Gold can find our site here.

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